“Everything will be OK in the end, if it is not OK it is not the END “- John Lennon
Our Purpose … Our Why
To be the honest ,courageous voice for “the silent change seeker” that resides in each one of us.
Our guiding light and soul keeper is built around HER
Honour | Empower | Rebuild
Who are WE?
We are a group of purpose driven “Change seekers” on a journey to ask the unasked & bring to life real stories to Honour , Empower & Rebuild “Life now & Beyond” for YOU the Silent change seeker & the Protagonist.
Why we exist –
We are on a mission committed to “Life Now & Beyond” through –
– Rebuilding lives bit by bit with real, relevant, specific validated information, advice and resources.
We are here with one purpose to ask the system to bring honesty, compassion, transparency as each one rebuilds life through the unseen & unsaid phases of the unexpected. Every end is a new beginning, and this is what we aim to bring to life at “Life now & beyond “
– Empowering social shift through sharing honest stories & real experiences via open, candid conversations as we ask the unasked
We commit to create social transformation through asking difficult questions & engage in positive, constructive dialogue for social inclusion to support relevant, challenging, real, unspoken topics faced by us as the mother, wife, daughter, parent, a growing kid, caregivers, survivors from across the world who feel helpless & disempowered in “Life now & beyond “
-Honoring & celebrating those who live forever through the memories, experiences and life lessons they have left behind.
We commit to celebrate & Honour those who need the support & the courage to get their purpose and voice to reach those who can benefit by such sharing around “Life now & Beyond “.