Helping you explore and discover what matters to you as a Leader
By Rajiv Handa
Your Accountability Partner

Leaders need to watch out for simple cues & reflect on what TO DO & NOT TO by seeing patterns in their Behaviors and how they show up in both personal and professional situations.
One thing I learnt about behaviors and how we show up is that ,when we do things when no one is watching us or judging us is our TRUE BEHAVIOUR .
I urge you to just pause and think about this simple piece that I bring to your notice here not because we don’t know about it but how we over look what is simple and right under our own eyes .
What is MISSING like the 4th Leg is not something we don’t know but it is about what we choose to do about it and how we want to switch and transform to being the LEADER we want to be.
Here are 4 traits and behaviors I will talk about for you to reflect on and explore where you are ,what you want to do and how you can SWITCH to bridge what is MISSING.
Enjoy the journey to EXPLORE and DISCOVER THE leader within your
1. ENGAGE This is best demonstrated through an open-door two-way communication welcoming & encouraging new ideas and opinions as a visible behavior. This does not mean you only listen because the pattern of only listening and doing your own over time sends out a strong message that well I can say whatever but he/she , the leader will do what he/she wants to. Asking for opinions and co creating actions is as important in living the trait to ENGAGE.
The other side of this behavior is when the leader shows up with the love for just MONOLOGUES. Such leaders who show up with talking to themselves, about themselves and just love their own voice are most likely called Insecure , I , Me , Myself types . any other category or name you have for such LEADERS that you have …

What do you show up as a leader in your personal and professional life when it comes to engaging with your co-workers, family and friends ,just explore and introspect?
There is an opportunity to discuss who you are here and what is your desired state around ENGAGING. Look out for your cues.
2. TRUST , your people , your team ,your co-workers ,your family ,your they are the ones in the trenches and who matter the most in your life.
This pandemic has taught us all one thing the real value of wo matters most and how important TRUST can be to build and nurture meaningful relationships. I urge you to thin what this means to you.
Start with simple actions by keeping the applause ,the credit for them and bricks for yourself. Does this person look like you ,not as a victim but as an honest ,sincere act of being able to see and appreciate the value of they being there and doing their bit in making YOU who you are? Start with simple things ,so allow them to be recognized and celebrated . Take pride in this as their success is yours too.

Trust is something that builds over time with consistent and repeated actions where you not only recognize but also allow a safe space for people around you to know that you are there for each other and success is an outcome of collective being and not one vs the other and one upmanship.
What often comes in the way of TRUST is our own EGO which tells us to do just the opposite. Remember another reality, you will invite & have incompetent people around you only when you want to believe that you are the only one CAPABLE here.
Pause and reflect on this trait as humans how do we do on this one. Which one leads us TRUST or EGO.
This is worth reflecting on as an important rationale to make your choices on how to show up with TRUST as your foundation vs your EGO that will pull you down like a pack of cards.
3. DELEGATE Linked with trust is the inherent quality of successful leaders who allow others to lead , which you show up by choosing to LET GO. This is never easy as it stems from our basic human instinct of wanting to be in control and not being sure about how the other one can do.
Can he/she do it as well as I do , as if that is the only way to do it ? What we forget here is that like anyone else we too are a HUMAN first and what we believe we do right is a function of that someone allowed me to do this someday and I actually evolved to be this person. Do reflect on this piece and see if hits chord with you .

So, ask this question and reflect on it ,would you be who you are if someone had not .LET GO & delegated to you what you do today ?
To win and fail are part of journey of life ,and to support others when they fail and not just take the moment of pride by being the center piece always and I repeat always is what helps you use TRUST in others to move towards the need to DELEGATE and LET GO.
Remember Delegation has a strong business case for you and your own GROWTH both personally and in terms of a tangible ROI.
Think about it and build your own business case for change of behavior on account of DELEGATION and maybe this will trigger a shift you have been waiting for.
These leaders who chose not to delegate are called full of themselves ,micro managers at least in the big BAD corporate world . Why do you think such leaders behave in this way ?
What are your plans to create your business case with an ROI to make the shift happen around DELEGATION ? Any thoughts
4. HONESTY & TRANSPARENCY – One behavior and trait that every leader must show up with is being sincere, honest and authentic not just in words but by actually walking the talk. As parents we are role models and our honesty our actions and how we show up immediately reflects on the child’s behavior. How we show up how we talk has a direct bearing on the persona and traits that the child starts living. Speak loudly ,ask them to say different things to different people ,and we all know how it shows up.

Show up with sincerity, honesty and be transparent about facts that they must be aware about both at work and at home and see the leadership behavior you start living.
It is about being honest & transparent with your people ,friends, family and share facts and acknowledge the reality . Your team ,your co-workers , customers and stake holders need to know the TRUTH. That is what Authentic Leadership is all about isn’t it ? When leaders’ partners, .parents, friends hide behind smoke screens transparency turns to opaque ,trust moves towards mis trust, & relationships both personal and professional begin to come under stress.
Anger, frustration, and negativity starts seeping in and the culture starts to shift from open engaged to closed arrogant with behind the scenes being the new normal . Does this sound familiar ?
Being honest and transparent calls for one trait that the leader must commit to ,it is being COURAGEOUS. Having the courage here is beyond just about saying what is right and doing what is needed
Courage here is about not the physical muscle power but the real inner strength to commit to who you are ,say it and live it by showing up ,& taking responsibility for both the actions and consequences.
What is your measure of self-courage and how do you show up in difficult asking times ,is worth reflecting on to challenge your being who you are with Courage and Honesty.
As Leaders we set the tone and are responsible for ourselves first. Start with being accountable to your own self and walk your journey to evolve and thrive as a leader who never stops to learn and grow.
In summary to explore your own being and to fix the missing 4th leg of the chair ,let us explore these and create a compelling business case for your own growth and evolution.
- There is an opportunity to discuss who you are here and what is your desired state around ENGAGING. Look out for your cues.
- What are your plans to create your business case with an ROI to make the shift happen around DELEGATION ? Any thoughts
- What are your plans to create your business case with an ROI to make the shift happen around DELEGATION ? Any thoughts
- What is your measure of self-courage and how do you show up in difficult asking times ,is worth reflecting on to challenge your being who you are with Courage and Honesty?
Let us all commit to build a better Leadership Culture & fix the missing 4th LEG as it affects all of us and more importantly our Present & also the Future Generations
I am happy to engage & help you discover your current status and support you discover your missing attributes through a conversation .
Happy to connect to explore &walk with you through the unsaid & unseen.
You can reach me on LI or on my website .
Rajiv Handa
Accountability Partner ,Global Business Leader & People Potential Catalyst
Leadership Coach & Business Mentor
Founder – SSCULPTT & The All-Weather Leaders