I am here to share with YOU the unique gifts of my Knowledge & Experience that I have gained through my own journey of life as a human, global leader, people potential catalyst & Mentor.

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I exist to enable you discover your purpose & lead you through your journey to “Own your future”

I am here to share with YOU the unique gifts of my Knowledge & Experience that I have gained through my own journey of life as a human, global leader, people potential catalyst & Mentor.

come with a strong belief system wherein your success & growth is my own fulfilment as a professional who can add value with my diverse global, multi-industry experiences.

Having lived through these stages of personal, professional growth, managed transitions, faced failures & success as an Entrepreneurial Leader , I am here to be your “Accountability Partner”

As a Growth & Scale-up Mentor I am invested in you to

  • Identify and progress towards your own Goals as Entrepreneurs
  • Improve your people & process efficiency to enhance productivity
  • Build & Enhance your people potential aligned with the purpose & why
  • Help you focus on building capabilities and support your ambitions to scale up your business
  • Maximize & drive profitable growth

I am here to support and engage with entrepreneurs, business owners, startups and growth hungry teams who are committed to make their journey of “Success studded with diamonds of Failure” as purpose driven warriors whoa re willing to evolve and grow as humans too.

Let us connect and explore your business challenges and together explore the journey forward and beyond .

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Rajiv Handa: Views in The Presidential

We welcome you to meet us at the publications which feature us. Here we share space with some influential women. Scroll to Page 7 for